CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Cleaner Products

CLEAR SKY Products

At CLEAR SKY we make a complete line of products to clean and polish your plexiglas surfaces and windows. Plexiglas is an incredible product we generally take for granted, until your Plexiglas headlight cover gets cloudy or your Plexiglas aircraft side windows get scratched. Then your world becomes distorted. Fix whose cloudy or scratched items with our CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Cleaner and microfiber cloths. Further protect using CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Polish and applicator pads.

CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Cleaner Package

Plexiglas Cleaner Package

Get all of the CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Cleaner and Polish products in one convenient package. Package comes with 1 Plexiglas Cleaner Spray (22 Fl Oz.), 1 Plexiglas Polish (18 Fl Oz.), a 2 pack of Polish Applicator Pads, and a package of 9 Plexiglas Cleaner Microfiber Cloths.

CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Cleaner Spray

Plexiglas Cleaner Spray

Fix those cloudy or dirty Plexiglas surfaces with Our CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Cleaner. This product comes in a 22 Fluid Ounce spray bottle.

CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Polish

Plexiglas Polish

After cleaning your Plexiglas, be sure to add a coat of CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Polish to ensure a long lasting clear surface. Our polish helps reduce possible scratches. Available in our 18 Fluid Ounce squeeze bottle.

CLEAR SKY Polish Applicator Pads

Polish Applicator Pads

Polish made easy with a package of CLEAR SKY Polish Applicator Pads. Simply squeeze a small amount of polish and wipe. Buff to a clear streak free shine. Available in 2-packs.

CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Cleaner Microfiber Cloths

Plexiglas Cleaner Microfiber Cloths

Avoid scratches and streaking with a set of CLEAR SKY Microfiber Cloths. A few sprays of CLEAR SKY Plexiglas Cleaner directly onto the microfiber is all you need to ensure a streak free finish. Available in packages of 9 cloths at a size of 16" x 12".